Nospetco, Sefteg etc are not registered Fund Managers, says SEC

Security and Exchanges Commission (SEC) is the apex regulator of the Nigerian capital market. The commission recently issued a public notice, listing the registered as well as illegal fund managers:

The Securities and Exchange Commission hereby informs the investing public that the following companies and the funds they manage are not registered with the Commission.

Efforts are being made to ensure that capital market operators registered with the Commission for one function and performing other functions are brought to book.

1Ā Ā Ā  SEFTEG Nig. Company Ā Ā Ā  Lagos
2Ā Ā Ā  Wealth Zone Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Lagos
3Ā Ā Ā  Wilamas Ventures Ā Ā Ā  Lagos
4Ā Ā Ā  Money Field Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Lagos
5Ā Ā Ā  Nospetco Oil and Gas Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Lagos
6Ā Ā  Standard Chartered Securities Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Lagos
7Ā Ā  The Brokers Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan
8Ā Ā  Treasure Line Interlink Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan
9Ā Ā  GoldPower Unique Services Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan
10Ā Ā  Fantastic Options Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan
11Ā Ā  Wealth Solution Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan
12Ā Ā  Divine Success Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan
13Ā Ā  Silver Trust Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan
14Ā Ā  Toddering Enterprises Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan
15Ā Ā  Spring of Wealth Ltd Ā Ā Ā  Ibadan

They then went on to list 67 registered Fund Managers.

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Oluniyi D. Ajao
Oluniyi D. Ajao is an Internet Entrepreneur and Tech Enthusiast based in South Africa. Follow him on twitter @niyyie for more tech updates.


  1. SEC have spoken!!!

    How about the CAC that registered the companies? What was in the document and what did they say was their line of business?

    Come to think of it, Is it not about race for survival that SEC is on? Since, the ‘wonder people’ are taking the wonders away from the conventional Managers registered with SEC.

    You guess is as good as Mine.

  2. where is treasureline interlink limited now and what will happen to those of us who invested in that miracle bank. i fill that sec. should comply them to give us our capital if we see no profit

  3. To whom it may conern, i want to know what will happen to the deposited before this public notice.

    The law enforcing agent should ensure that the listed above companies return the moniy collected from the people out there. baned them without returning people’s money doe not helping the situation and the progress of a Nation.
    Please!!!!!!!!! We learnt that their money are still with banks why can’t Government take anecessary action and ensure that every individual get their money back.



  4. please all i need to know is if our money we put in treasureline interlink ibadan is going to be refunded back to us and when it is going to be refunded… i mean we are kept in the dark here and we dont even know whats happening anymore. i heard about treasure link having a website”” and i have tried checing the website but there is nothing on it. So please i want to know wats going on???

  5. what will happen to the fate of those of us that bought slots into treasureline interlink in ibadan?the phone numbers to which we can reach them is permanently switched off for obvious reasons.sometime ago i wasted money from the north to submit the photocopies of the evidence of my payment into the “fraudsters” organisation, yet nothing still.
    what are you doing on our plights.

  6. Honestly,i dont know how to describe the havoc wrecked on the helpless nigerians by these wonder banks. Whatever the case however,let them return the peoples’money!

  7. Honestly its sad that things turned out this way. But if investors monies are still in the bank, NDIC should be instructed to pay investors with evidence of payment.

  8. From the website of Treasure line interlink ltd. Apublication was made to the fact that they are government recongnised. Plkease verify thanks

  9. @ Oguori, They can make any claims on their website (if indeed that’s their authentic website) but you still need to do due diligence before committing your money to their scheme. Why not check with the Security and Exchanges Commission (SEC) yourself?

  10. šŸ˜„ šŸ™ šŸ˜Æ God will definitely see NOSPETCO out of this predication ,amen. your joy is my joy & ya sadness has been a hell of experience. what a high tention shock

  11. i will be so much delighted if the period when our money will be paid to us can be known so that the tension on us can be reduced to avoid untimely collapse from nigerians.

  12. For sefteg and others,I can manage to understand. But for NOSPETCO I am still trying to. This company operated for about 3 yrs before this mishap and there were no problems. There are also physical evidences of what they do with the funds – chemical supplies (at least I see their trucks). Is it out of place if the company is also into Forex, etc?

    Mr. Oluniyi David Ajao, you mentioned due dilligence to Oguori. Perhaps you are not aware that some of the investors into NOSPETCO are top professionals in the different fields of commerce who most probably did their home-works before commiting their life-savings. My major concern is that the relevant agencies have kept investors in the dark. People who have invested heavily could die of heart attack. Let the Govt. act fast. Its over a year now.

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