Agloco Scam: Agloco is dead, waiting to be buried ;)

I was researching this evening, try to gather some material for my next blog post when I came across this screaming headline: AGLOCO Dead: May Your soul rest in pieces! I couldn’t help chuckling. The same Agloco that was heralded as been a potential gold mine for the army of wanna get-rich-quick Internet users? Geez. Can’t be true!

So I quickly pointed my web browser to and pronto! It displayed. I clicked on the Sign-up link and the first red-flag: Their SSL certificate expired 22 days ago! Waoh. What serious Internet business would watch its SSL certificate expire for that long?

2nd red-flag? Anand quoted an email from Agloco:

This afternoon, this was the email from the AGLOCO team:

Dear Anand,

We would like to update you on the status of AGLOCO’s operations. We continue to believe in the AGLOCO concept, but our revenue is currently not sufficient to give Members a meaningful distribution. And though there are increases in membership, the resulting revenue is not enough to support operating costs. As a development team we are unable to continue to use our savings to fund the operations. If any Member would like to pursue continuing the operations of AGLOCO, you may contact us at [email protected] .

We would like to thank every Member for supporting our effort to bring a piece of the Internet directly to the user. We hope that we can find a way to keep the operations going.

AGLOCO Development Team

Flag 3? Their blog has not been updated since October 12th 2007.

Apparently, the team behind Agloco are not new. This is their 2nd attempt:

Last year the company formerly known as “AllAdvantage” (also once described by Forbes as “the dumbest dot com” and by another publication as “the bloated whale of Silicon Valley”) re-emerged as AGLOCO. As described by the company itself, the concept is pretty simple: “By downloading our proprietary Viewbarâ„¢TM technology, members benefit from engaging content tailored to their interests. AGLOCOâ„¢ also pays its members to refer their friends to the community (and for those friends to refer more friends through four levels of extended referrals.)”

Well, I never signed-up to Agloco and thus did not get their email message. I knew the scheme could simply not fly. More so, I refused to join because their website did not state clearly, how they intended to pay affiliates: check, paypal, e-gold, alertpay? I saw nothing of that sort. Though I was pressurized by many, I was simply adamant. I’m glad I was. has officially joined the long list of get-paid-for-surfing scams. Bye bye to their Agloco toolbar.

Did you join Agloco? How many people did you refer to Agloco? Did you believe you would ever get paid? Share your thoughts here and now.

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Oluniyi D. Ajao
Oluniyi D. Ajao is an Internet Entrepreneur and Tech Enthusiast based in South Africa. Follow him on twitter @niyyie for more tech updates.


  1. Good that you did not join, I am still searching for a way to delete my account from them unsuccessfully 😡

    This was the first program that I came across while my blog was only days old. So, in one way, I am thankful for the number of post ideas it had given me and the traffic I recvd! I will really miss them! 😀

  2. Agloco is Dead !

    Do you still remember Agloco? The get rich concept by doing nothing. Basically, it’s a paid advertisement viewing toolbar that running on members’ computer with attractive referral scheme. It looks like a pyramid scheme, and I believe every…

  3. I got stun with the Agloco collapse. I spent a fortune on my own website and promotions through google adwords. In the end I got back nothing at all. What a total waste of time it turned out to be.

    I have now joined and am at last making some nice revenue with not a great deal of effort at all.
    Might be worth some of you who have also lost out with Agloco giving it a try?

    You might even get some of the money you wasted in Agloco back.

    Good Luck Filippa

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