How e-gold was brought down

I had noticed that the GDCA (Global Digital Currency Association) website has been inaccessible for several weeks now. I was searching for blog posts about GDCA that might give me an insight into why it is down when  I came across a blog post by Pelle Braendgaard, titled: “How the Man finally brought e-gold down“.

A lot has happened since I blogged about e-gold’s privacy feature its nemesis? The height was Douglas Jackson’s blog post about e-gold‘s uncertain future. Mainstream news websites and the blogosphere have since been buzzing with information and speculation about what happens to e-gold Ltd and its directors on 20th November 2008 when the US court rules on the case between US Department of Justice and e-gold Ltd.

I had thus wanted to do an analysis but I couldn’t have done it better than what Pelle Braendgaard has just wrote. His detailed blog post shares his views about the factors that lead to the mess e-gold is in right now. e-gold’s future has never been so uncertain.

Now, where is GDCA? Do you know why the website is down? I can’t find any annoucement from them online.

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Oluniyi D. Ajao
Oluniyi D. Ajao is an Internet Entrepreneur and Tech Enthusiast based in South Africa. Follow him on twitter @niyyie for more tech updates.


  1. e-bullion going down?…

    Another digital gold currency seems to be going down for good. The eurrency community was shocked about the reported death of one of the e-bullion co-founders just last week but things seem to be taking a worse turn entirely. A paragraph on Wikipedia s…

  2. E-bullion is also down.

    It was the only viable payment method which we could use for our ever increasing Nigerian client base. Other payment systems like Moneybookers, Envoy etc don’t accept business from Nigeria. Bank wire and WesternUnion are expensive.

    I work with, a financial trading speculative website. We are happy to offer our services to Nigerians as they’ve proven to have a great interest in the financial markets.

    Do you have any suggestions on what payment methods we could introduce?


  3. e-bullion is down for a different reason I learnt though that one of the owners died last week, and a former insider was arrested by the FBI for a financial crime. I just saw this on their website:

    Dear Customer,

    05 August, 2008, 1:00pm PST: The e-Bullion website will be unavailable for a period of approximately four hours while our Tech Dept. performs routine maintenance.

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this interruption to service.

    e-Bullion Management

  4. Ebullion will probably always remain down. I have been trying to contacting our contact person but I am getting no reply.

    That’s why we are looking for alternatives. Any suggestions?

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