When shopping for a web host it is best to know what you have to check in your website hosting company. Most hosting companies claim that they will provide unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, and email as well. You also have to check that the company provides 24/7 support. So, before choosing any web hosting company you must do some research.
Here in this article, I will discuss several points that you have to check before choosing any web hosting company.
Server reliability is an essential thing that needs to be considered. Weak servers, an uncertain network connection can push your website offline anytime. In addition, it also affects your search engine rankings. It is critical that your host does not overload their servers with too many busy websites as these can affect your website’s uptime. One way to tell is the speed of your website.
Uptime Score
Generally, a reputable web hosting company provides uptime score above 99.5 per cent. This score plays an important role in your site’s success. Try to avoid choosing the companies who have a report of annual uptime score below 99%. You can often verify the uptime statistics from 3rd-party hosting review websites.
Security is a primary concern for small and large companies alike. When it comes to selecting a web host, you need to make sure their security track record, protocols they have in place to defend against cyberattack. Therefore, it is preferable to use a trusted and secure web hosting.
Site Backup availability
Nowadays it is mandatory to have site backups on a regular basis because cyber threats like ransomware or any other threats can damage your the website easily. So, choose a web hosting company providing the site backups on a regular basis.
Registration And Maintenance Costs
Before you choose any web hosting service providing company, you must be aware of the registration and maintenance costs charges. Beware of some hidden renewal charges and surprise bill from the web hosting company. If you get the web hosting at a cheaper rate, possibilities are there of prices more than triple for renewal. You want to ask about this, where you are not sure.
Limitation of Accounts
Avoid companies who have not specified how many domains can be hosted on a single hosting account. Later, they will add hidden charges or argue with you that we have not mentioned anywhere that they would allow so many domains to be hosted for free.
Try to choose that company who have clearly mentioned their full features and the limits they place on hosting accounts.
High performance
As per the Google algorithm, a website’s speed matters for ranking in Search Engine Result Pages and for user-friendliness. Prefer a web hosting company who provides high performance and better quality of hosting for your site.
Customer Services
Check how effective and speedy the company is providing support and credible solutions for any technical problems. Try to choose a hosting company that renders high quality 24/7 live support to their clients when there are issues.
Choose The Right Hosting Package
At last, it is up to the buyer to choose a proper and perfect package of web hosting. Small business often turns to shared hosting to save a huge amount of money. Sometimes, it may slow your response time that affects your bounce rate and user-friendliness. As a solution, there is an option of Virtual Private Server (VPS) which is slightly expensive, but it provides high quality, faster and, better customer experience.
In conclusion, when you are choosing a web hosting company make sure it fulfils all the points above for the best results.