Google Plus, a new social networking website

Google Plus is Google’s latest and best attempt at a social networking website. It obviously draws a lot of lessons from Google’s previous attempts like Google Buzz, Google Wave, Orkut etc.

A screenshot of Google Plus
A screenshot of Google Plus

I got an invitation to join Google Plus from a good friend, and I am loving it so far. It comes with a lot of features that scream “Facebook-lookalike” while other features are new innovations from the search engine giant. I like the minimalist interface as well.

It segments the social networking into sensible groups like: Friends, Acquaintances, Family etc. One can rename the groups or create new ones. Thus, it is possible to share information with a specific group without sharing it with the entire internet. In a nutshell, it appears to offer better privacy controls.

Google Plus is accessible to the mobile devices on the following platforms via a web app: Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Nokia/Symbian and Windows Mobile. Understandably, a native app is already available for Android 2.1 devices.

Since Google Plus is currently in Beta phase, joining the party is strictly by invitation. If you want to try-out Google Plus, simply leave a comment in this blog post or email me. I will invite as many people as I can, to join the Google Plus party.

Update: Google has closed off invites after just a few hours. Demand was “insanely high,” according to Google SVP of Social Vic Gundotra. I suggest you visit and just sign-in with your Google Account.

If you are on Google Plus already, add me to your Circle of Friends or Acquittance, depending on who I am to you.

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Oluniyi D. Ajao
Oluniyi D. Ajao is an Internet Entrepreneur and Tech Enthusiast based in South Africa. Follow him on twitter @niyyie for more tech updates.


  1. Please Mr Oluniyi, this google + will be really intresting. I want to have a taste of it. Thanks for inviting me. I’ll be waiting for the invitation

    • @stepehen jack
      thats why i want to test and see it 😉 … but i think this is a good google product (as the other ones) and the first one which create a threat for FB!

    • Yeah I think it can smash facebook because have you heard in a movie or tv show, they say Google it about something… Well I would like a invite please if you have made it in to Google plus already and thank you for your time… I would love to be in Google Plus 🙂

    • Hey could you please invite me into Google plus??? I would like to join because sharing info on facebook goes out to everyone even if 1/2 of my friends and family don’t like what I’m sharing and I have to info to share on abroad range of stuff.

      • I have to much* info that I like to share and I would LOVE the groups so I can share that way, and I would LOVE to try out something new…. Thanks for your time.

  2. Hello Mr. Ajao, I would also like an invitation please if its possible, also maybe a request to the other people who has gotten an invitation, could you please send me an invite I would be for ever in debt 😉

  3. Would like to take you up on your G+ invite offer. (Assuming you still have invites available).
    Greatly appreciated!

    Pat in Chicago

  4. Hey can you send me an invite?
    Also if anyone else who got an invite already from this site sees this, an invite from any of you would be great! Thank you!

    …and say goodbye to Facebook! =)

  5. I would like to be part of this new Google invention. I am a computer science and Engineering student. I will definitely like to compare this one with other social networking sites.It will be great if u can send me an invite 🙂

  6. i know this has been asked 500 times but this one will be better than the others cause im saying more than just invite me to google plus, no no, i will not be that way, I will ask for an invite while i juggle hot potatos while doing the holla hoop, im doing it as we spreak so please send me an invitation before the hot potatos fall

  7. Hey all.. ive got access to google plus and can sent out invites if you need.. let me know your mail id’s and ill send out the invite!

  8. hi,

    would you be so kind to invite me. It would be great, so i can try out this new thing.
    thank you very much for your engagement.


  9. As i use all google products i would have thought i could access google+ but it seems not. Can you please send me an invite. Thank you

  10. I think google plus will be the champion but problem is the features that can attract public. Else why they come to another new media .
    So I want to join here if any one allow me

  11. It’s still possible to give invites….. I read there’s a work around by creating new “groups” n adding emails there….. check it out n if possible send me an invite….THANX!!!

  12. I think is a good idea to join google+ only from invitation, but, this politics represents a very bad sense of democracy.

  13. Ah, shucks. I am so sick and tired of Facebook changes that have made the site harder to use, easier for cyber criminals to operate via rogue applications, unable to enlarge friend’s photos due to slow slide show and so on, I would love to try this one.

    I joined MyCube but not fond of it.

  14. Please invite me kind person. I am extremely excited about Google Plus. I think it will be better than facebook ever was. I would appreciate the chance to enjoy it. Thank you.

  15. I would like an invitation from anyone .kindly I request any person to grand me a request regarding to join the GOOGLE PLUS .
    thank you 🙂