Lucky Dube shot dead in Johannesburg

Lucky DubeBelieve it or not, South African reggae musician Lucky Dube was shot dead by some armed rogues who were attempting to hijack the blue Volkswagen polo he was driving in a Johannesburg suburb around 1820 GMT on 18th October 2007 (last night).

Lucky Dube was only 43 years old at the time of his death. This is tragic. Rest in peace brother, rest in perfect peace.

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Oluniyi D. Ajao
Oluniyi D. Ajao is an Internet Entrepreneur and Tech Enthusiast based in South Africa. Follow him on twitter @niyyie for more tech updates.


  1. šŸ˜• šŸ™ šŸ˜„ šŸ˜„ My condolences to Dube & the Family.He was a real star here in Fiji…Rest in peace brother Dube..Your music is the living word for us. šŸ˜„ šŸ˜„ šŸ™

  2. :sad::sad::sad: Its so sad that he sang about violence and should die in violence. I wonder if the people who took his life every listened to his music? Growing up in Fiji all my memories centre can be pinpointed by a lucky dube album. Not to mention muscial therapy as a teenager. RIP :cry::cry::cry: I’m sure he will be sorely missed back home His music is timeless

  3. the world ir more pour
    a great man singer and spreader of the jahs message as died rip lucky
    never will forget ur message … jah lives with us all

  4. Beware the false motives of others; Be careful of those who pretend to be brothers; And you suppose its those who are closest to you; They say all the right things to gain their position then use your kindness as their ammunition to shoot you down in the name of ambition. They do!!!WEBZ!!!

  5. Rest in peace superstar….your legacy will live forever…you reach the world with so many wonderful messeges of wisdom….:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

  6. Beware the false motives of others; Be careful of those who pretend to be brothers; And you suppose its those who are closest to you; They say all the right things to gain their position then use your kindness as their ammunition to shoot you down in the name of ambition. They do!!!We’ve glad to have gone to all his concerts…Let Jah be praised…It is a box of memory we’ll create about you…Philippe Sella..

  7. When will we ever get it into our heads to respect our own.
    Lucky was a model to many our brothers in ghettos across Kenya.
    May God rest his soul in peace and shame on those who live to kill.

  8. Another black brother have fallen. farewell to you Dube. you have a lot of sorry fans today in the Solomon Islands. “you can kill the messenger but the message will leave on for ever”. peace and love to Dube’s family Bon voyage….

  9. :sad::sad::shock:
    My heart is hurt by the announcement if Lucky Dube’s death. Just last week I was listening to his music and thinking how, in a time in my country (USA) of war and devisiveness, how we need his message of love and unity. I mourn for his family and all his fans.

  10. I am from Kenya, and we really Love Lucky Dube’s reggae music. We have received this information with a great shock…… (cry)… I curse the rogues. Go in peace and JAH be on your side.

    My Commiseration goes to the family that he has left behind, especially the son who was there to witness the death of his beloved Father and the great reggae musician. May JAH protect your soul. We love you Lucky Dube……we loved you and we will still love you through your music. This will live forever.

  11. It’s sad and horrifying. I can’t imagine South Africa hosting the forthcoming World Cup with such crime rate.
    Rest in peace Lucky.

  12. What a big loss to the reggae world, especially Lucky Dube’s fans! Brother Lucky Dube, you are our hero; you are gone but your music will still live with us. We would like to send our condolence message to his wife and son.

    You will be remembered as our hero! Those cowards should be punished.

    Rest in peace, Brother.

  13. OOOOHHHH!!!!!!!!!How comes DUBE you leave without a hi to your friend,ill miss u bro,
    Rest in peace with Marley give him hi.

  14. we feel for Lucky Dube’s wife and son. he’s our hero! will be remembered as long as reggae music lives.

    fan šŸ˜„

  15. My Heart goes out to the family of the deceased.
    Dube we will always miss you. another Africa’s greatest is gone!! Listen brothers and sisters, let us just don’t take lives just like that!

  16. I cannot believe it! Lucky cannot die! Lucky musn’t die!:sad: He’s my hero. An hero never dies. Never. He’ll always be with us. Always.

  17. This is the sad new to me as far as I know the guy.I really enjoy the messages from his reggae muzic.
    Almight God rest him in peace.

  18. Rest in peace my brother you have been an inspiration to Me and most of my friends here in Zambia. God bless your son and Family


  19. I do not understand why people continue to be so cruel and selfish. Do people always have to kill to have other people’s things. Why couldn’t they just take the car and leave Dube alone. Why cause so much trauma for the child, witnessing the brutal murder of the father. This criminals do not have the love of their country. Why take away an icon taht makes the country proud. Why defeat the country efforts to reduce crime, especially towards the 2010 games, what will countries think of safety in South Africa. God help South Africa. May Dube’s soul rest in peace.

  20. lucky dube was one of the best african musician we all loved that reggae and we are mourning for the loss of such a great character. May his soul rest in peace and his legacy live on forever

  21. South Africans are to blame for starting killing their own heroes. it is sad news especially for me. Lucky changed my life through his musci and exacly the time he was killed I was listening to his music ‘ big boys dont Cry’ May his soul rest in peace. from Zambia

  22. :cry::cry: This is devastating. I still can’t believe they took my idle away . But those
    who are reponsible for this cowardly act will surely have no peace for the rest of their lives . This man inspired a lot
    of Africans including myself and the rest of the world .my condolences to Dube and the Dube family .rest in peace brother.

  23. This is horrifying. Why, why kill each other like this? God only will exact appropriate punishment for the killers. Good people die young! He was a great man!
    South Africans wake up! Dont scare people. Look up to 2010!
    May his soul rest in peace. Malawi

  24. WHY! why do we have to our heroes? why killing our icons, It pains my heart, to see people that devote thier time and life die sorrowfully? So sad evil still prevail.

    DUBE, you have done the much you? and the much left behind would be taken care of by Jah. Sing Reggee to angels up there!

    Segun James
    Warri, Delta State,

  25. kizito ssewanyana
    I am from Uganda, and i really knew Dr Lucky Dube as a nationalist and truely i love his reggae music. Its so sad that we have lost one of the famous reggae artist in africa but the music will forever live on. Go in peace and JAH be on your side.

  26. This is terrific..I wonder why we,africans are getting more stupid and selfish everyday..!!I really can’t understand all those crimes..darfur..genocide in rwanda..ghettos in USA..every where around us it sounds animosity..I think it’s time to agree that we re not humans like others..we must change before begging for our rights..I live in Rwanda..I don’t want the world cup in africa.Idon’t want anyine important 2 come in africa..we are so selfish..we can’t even help eachothers but we kill each other..our own families..

    I am so sure God sees what Dube did with his life.

    Bless 2 africa..Mercy 2 Murders

  27. Words cannot express the way I’m feeling. All I can say is to those rogues is they took away someone who was a role model.and such an inspiration. may fire burn you bums.
    You will always be remembered by gambians . Rest in peace our brother your music will forever be with us. PEACE.

  28. The untimely death of Lucky Dube has reached me with great shock and grief.He is gone but his music will remain fresh in our minds. May his soul rest in peace and may our kind God be with all members of his family during this sad moment.


  30. So sad indeed! U can’t believe me if i can tell u that i was talking about him with my brother Bob just 2 – 3 weeks back. Now his life has been taken away by his cruel,coward & selfish brothers who just think about themselves. Rest in peace Mo-Afrika!

  31. HONESTLY…..the rogues could not see it was Lucky Dube??? What image have they now created for SOUTH AFRICA….DOOM, DOOM…given that the world cup is coming soon. That contract might even be cancelled because of security reasons. The rogues have shamed SA and the entire Africa…NOT FAIR. Lucky Dube, rest in peace, we will miss you so much. Millie…Kenya.

  32. THE WORLD MOURNS THEIR LOVED ONE. R.I.P. LUCKY DUBE. For those foolish and bloody rogues…They are worse than BLACK DEVILS…the whole world is cursing you, you will die stealing….THIEVES. May your hands and your whole body be chopped bit by bit as you rot in PAIN FOR EVER. SHAME ….SHAME..SHAME…SHAME

  33. lucky dube will live on in the hearts of those who he touched with his sweet voice and unique music i’m from the caribbean the island of St.Lucia the radio stations delicated over 4 hours to his music the whole nation morns over his deaf. He has performed in st lucia about twice and it was moving.RIP lucky dube. The secound biggest reggea artist in the world after Bob Marely.:cry::cry:

  34. Oh South Africa -I sympathise with you on the loss of Lucky. So much talent lost by a senseless killing.Lucky you were and always will be a true freedom fighter Your music will live on!

    Rest in Peace

  35. jah rastafar who never die the creator,the almighty,bless the soul of this guy dube he played his role to the people of the world, stay in peace man, stay in peace, TZ.

  36. Vinaka vakalevu na nomu wasea na nomu bula kei na nomu lewe ni yasayasa i Viti. Nomu ni na kalougata kei na tawa mudu. RIP….:-(

  37. It’s a very sad story to hear.
    God be with the Wife and Kids. We sympathize with his family in this great time of sorrow.
    We Demand the Full force of Justice to deal with those who killed him.
    Lucky Dube has contributed so much to the music industry especially in singing and pointing out practical social problems affecting the world over.

    Rest in Peace….Brother.

    Ganz and Wes.

  38. It was a shock when i heard the news about the icon of South African reggae. What happen to our conscience, why killing? The law must take it’s course. This must come to an end of the killing of innocent people.
    God’s eye is moving to and fro looking.

    Lucky you will always be remembered especially the songs that brought the nations together ” different color one people.
    To the family ” May God give you comfort”

  39. What else can we say, it’s a a “Crazy World”. And didn’t Lucky Dube sing about it? Well, these lyrics say it all:

    So far so good we still living today
    But we don’t know what tomorrow brings
    In this crazy world
    People dying like flies every day
    You read about it in the news
    But you don’t believe it
    You’ll only know about it
    When the man in the long black coat
    Knocks on your door
    ‘Cause you`re his next victim
    As you are living in this

    Lucky is gone! The music world has lost a star and the heavens will feel the void forever. May the Lord be with his family and may God comfort the children who were unforunate enough to witness the brutal killing of their beloved father. Lucky Dube, sun re o!

  40. :cry:From Puerto Rico:
    From a country with its own problems with violent deaths, Where mothers, sons, brothers, have to see their love ones getting violently kill every day on our streets. From here representting all Lucky’s fans here, Que Descanse en Paz””Lucky Dube. Your word thru your music will never Die!!! This is so tragicly unbelievable!!!I’m so sad!! Respect to Lucky’s family and close friends.

  41. Its terrible what happened to our brother Dube. šŸ™ I dont understand why criminals in South Africa have to kill when taking from people. Why??? Crime is in every country, but the violent crime of South Africa stuns me!!!
    Dube, you are the only other person after Mandela that people recognise when I say I am from South Africa. You have put our country on the map during your life and I wish to see you again in the next life brother! Rest in Gods peace!

  42. Lucky Dube Killed in South Africa

    Reggae Artist Lucky Dube Shot Dead in hijacking in Johannesburg
    South African reggae musician Lucky Dube was shot dead a couple weeks ago in front of his children during an attempted car hijacking in Johannesburg. It’s so sad because he was a de…

  43. Do these people know what a special person they have taken?? You will be missed by a whole generation of Africans..
    RIP Lucky and condolences to the Dube family..May God give you the strength during this difficult time.

  44. i miss u 2 much now, don,t think i,m ever gonna stop. ur music lives in me and will forever be,not just me. everybody loves u and miss u ,,,,,,RIP MY LUCKY DUBE

  45. We just read the news last night while looking for new concert tour dates for him and learned of Lucky Dube’s tragic death. It is so painful. We have been going to his concerts and listening to his music since 1989. My children love him too. We are so sad that we will never be able to take them to a live concert of his. His music will continue to live in our home and in our hearts fowver. This is a horrible tragedy. Our prayers go out to his family. God Bless and protect you.
    Janice and Tony Utah, USA

  46. A girlfriend introduced me to his music and I have been a fan ever since.Just like Bob Marley he was an icon,and he is sadly missed.And the vindictive and angry side in me wishes that those men that took his life die a painfully slow death.Lets hope that someone else like Dube and Marley emerges soon to carry on their message.

  47. šŸ˜• YES,it is in deed a tragedy say, that d one and only KING OF REGGAE Lucky dube is 4orm Nigeria/abuja.2 say his a luckyman in deed and i pray that the good GOD will be wit his family.AMEN(RIP).

  48. Namesake, your music made me what i am today and after all i pass through in life p plan that one day that i will come to south Africa to see you but is quite unfortunate that before i could be in south Africa, you are no where to be found, but the memory still lives on. i miss you so much

    My your gentle soul rest in perfect peace

  49. We all love you dube, your death have create a deep pain in our family, is just like yesterday that you left the world to a journey of never reture, where ever you are we all wish you enternal peace may your soul rest in the lord, And we wish the family the mind to bear the great lost of their hero” i frank freedrick say that all those that kill him will never saw peace in their life as well with their family; great hero” great man” man of the people we all miss you”

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