This Wednesday, Nigeria’s Second National carrier, Globacom, will launch into the Nigerian market, the BlackBerry Connect in partnership with Canadian firm, Research In Motion (RIM) and Alcatel. BlackBerry Connect will allow subscribers to choose and enjoy the feature-rich capabilities of the mobile phone together with RIM’s popular BlackBerry services.
Let’s have the current price of the Blackberry to help us know who and who are the target-market.
would like some more info- price ranges for one, and then what are the network dependencies for e-mail to work?
it would better for investors who in africa
Glo bringing Blackberry to Nigeria is a good thing. But that bit about Blackberry is going to change the way Nigerians conduct business and handle business communication for the better. can be quite misleading.
For one, quite a number of people in the country have been using mobile email to speed up business processes and increase bottomline since as far back as 2002/2003.
Also, quite a number of others too have been using PUSH email on our mobile devices for over a year already, and have achieved the same goals. I have used Seven always-on mail, a PUSH email service, on the Nokia 9500 with excellent results. Many others use it with Symbian Series 60 and Windows Mobile devices as well.
The blackberry is welcome, but it definitely wont revolutionalise how business is done in Nigeria.
finally, with the fees announced by GloMobile, I honestly doubt if very many people will see an improvement in their bottomline by getting one. A Glo sales rep gave a brief breakdown:
Device: N60,000
Activation: N10,000
Security deposit: N20,000
Monthly rental: N10,000
TOTAL: N100,000
Glo bringing Blackberry to Nigeria is a good thing. But that bit about Blackberry is going to change the way Nigerians conduct business and handle business communication for the better. can be quite misleading.
For one, quite a number of people in the country have been using mobile email to speed up business processes and increase bottomline since as far back as 2002/2003.
Also, quite a number of others too have been using PUSH email on our mobile devices for over a year already, and have achieved the same goals. I have used Seven always-on mail, a PUSH email service, on the Nokia 9500 with excellent results. Many others use it with Symbian Series 60 and Windows Mobile devices as well.
The blackberry is welcome, but it definitely wont revolutionalise how business is done in Nigeria.
finally, with the fees announced by GloMobile, I honestly doubt if very many people will see an improvement in their bottomline by getting one. A Glo sales rep gave a brief breakdown:
Device: N60,000
Activation: N10,000
Security deposit: N20,000
Monthly rental: N10,000
TOTAL: N100,000
dont you just hate it when a stoopid company comes uo and say “i did this!” when actually they didnt. what do they mean they brought blackberry to nigeria. my coz has been using it for almost 4years now, and my bro abt 2 years, and theirs is far better than any of glos “blackberries”. besides, ive been seeing them in shops for a very long time now, so glo, … @#?!%&^@$!^*?.
You are doing well but I am still to be connected to the internet on my mobile phone Motorola V3 No. 08052426565
In answer to some of the “BUT” critics, I am a Nigerian and I work with RIM Canada. First things first, RIM was the foremost pioneer in the Push email technology since 1984 other companies like Microsoft mobile devices only aspire where this technology is concerned. Do they have a market share? Of course just like Linux has a desktop market share compared to Microsoft…. you do the math.
2. Will RIM change the way Nigerians do business, I think we already have. When you take the time to find out a little more about the Nokia, Sony and Motorola devices that offer the email technology, you’ll know that the emails software, engine and technology they use is called BlackBerry connect … we made it 🙂 .We already changed the world only wearing other device skins.
3. For those who say Glo did not bring BlackBerry to Nigeria because people already use the device in Nigeria, The world is an open market and you can buy anything from anywhere for as long as the services are available i.e. GSM, GPRS(DATA) & EDGE (DATA). What Glo has done is become the 1st partners (Money and volume wise) in Nigeria.
I hope this helps you all … and yes our products are expensive even here in Canada and the US but it has never stopped 8 Million subscribers world wide. Jabo RIM Canada
In answer to some of the “BUT” critics, I am a Nigerian and I work with RIM Canada. First things first, RIM was the foremost pioneer in the Push email technology since 1984 other companies like Microsoft mobile devices only aspire where this technology is concerned. Do they have a market share? Of course just like Linux has a desktop market share compared to Microsoft…. you do the math.
2. Will RIM change the way Nigerians do business, I think we already have. When you take the time to find out a little more about the Nokia, Sony and Motorola devices that offer the email technology, you’ll know that the emails software, engine and technology they use is called BlackBerry connect … we made it 🙂 .We already changed the world only wearing other device skins.
3. For those who say Glo did not bring BlackBerry to Nigeria because people already use the device in Nigeria, The world is an open market and you can buy anything from anywhere for as long as the services are available i.e. GSM, GPRS(DATA) & EDGE (DATA). What Glo has done is become the 1st partners (Money and volume wise) in Nigeria.
I hope this helps you all … and yes our products are expensive even here in Canada and the US but it has never stopped 8 Million subscribers world wide. Jabo RIM Canada
Mr. Jabo from Canada wrote: When you take the time to find out a little more about the Nokia, Sony and Motorola devices that offer the email technology, you’ll know that the emails software, engine and technology they use is called BlackBerry connect … we made it 🙂
That is an absolutely untrue assertion. Seven Always-On Mail, which I have used for example, is NOT made by RIM. It is a different product.
As such, your assertion that Blackberry is already changing how business is done in Nigeria is wrong.Other PUSH email platforms are NOT made by RIM. Kindly check your facts before posting.
Nothing compare with the truth. I dislike Glo service @ first time, but now, i have dump my 08034782595 for 08077171527.
GLO, the Grace-like-option.
my question is for those of us that already have the backberry handset,is it possible the use it along the Glo service.
Blackberry or no Blackberry GLO have no rivary is the best networh anyday in Nigeria, I wish work for the company. my number is 08055448614.
i would love to know how the black bery workes and may be i can purchase one my self. and how the payment is to be made to you pleas tell me all this infomation by sending me an email to my box
how affordable is the blackberry to nigerians in which about 80% can’t feed. let us know the actual price and if it will be affordable by nigerians
dude, where do you get your facts from?