Registration closes soon for the inaugural KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) iDay set to be hosted on 08 March 2022 by the Internet Service Providers’ Association of SA (ISPA), INX-ZA, the .ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA) and the ZA Central Registry (ZACR)
This first of several Internet Day (iDay) events being hosted countrywide in 2022 has a capacity for 50 delegates and registration remains open until 03 March.
ISPA iDay KZN will be held in Durban at the Southern Sun Elangeni Hotel’s Great iLanga conference hall. Interested persons are encouraged to register before all seats at the venue are reserved. Please visit: https://ispa.org.za/ispa-iday-kzn/
The day will bring together representatives from Internet Service Providers (ISPs), hosting companies, industry regulators, domain name registrars, government and others for a programme of presentations covering the state of the Internet industry in South Africa:
- ISPA will be covering regulatory developments, licensing changes for ISPs, and the impact of the new Cybercrimes Act.
- The INX-ZA team will be covering the benefits of peering, an overview of the options for connecting in each region, and an introduction to the services available at each Internet exchange.
- ZACR will be sharing some insights on growth and development in the domain name sector, and highlighting the opportunities for Internet companies to streamline and expand their domain name services.
- ZADNA will provide an update on national initiatives to promote the .ZA namespace, feedback from the recent ZADNA forum, and take a look at global domain name developments.
ZADNA is the regulator of SA’s domain name industry while ZACR is best-known as the administrator of the co.za domain name system. The overwhelming success of the co.za ccTLD is illustrated in the fact that the vast majority of South African domain names can be found in co.za.
The community-run INX-ZA manages SA’s Internet exchange points for the benefit of Internet consumers as an independent operating unit of ISPA. The Association’s members regularly contribute towards the country’s Internet Exchanges so that the stability of the SA web can be maintained.
Most of the iDay conference sessions are open to the public, and attendance is free to pre-registered delegates. Additional information is available here: https://ispa.org.za/about-ispa/iday/