Network Name: MTN
Technology: GSM 900/1800/2100, HSPA, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS (3G), HSDPA, HSUPA
Network Status: Live June 1994
Subscribers: 17,428m (March 2009)
Ownership: MTN
Corporate Headquarters: MTN Innovation Centre, 14th Avenue Fairland, Gauteng 2195, South Africa
Telephone: +27-11-912-3000
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
I would like complaint about the poor service i got on Saturday the 10th of April. I phoned you customer care centre in the morning and was put on hold for more than 30minutes and after patiently waiting i managed to speak to the call attendent whose name i got who assisted me and then i asked to refer me to her supervisor and had to hold again for the supervisor to come to the phone to attend me but he never did until i got really frustrated and hang up. My frustration is that as busy as the guy may have been at least MTN should have the courtesy of telling us that the guy is currently busy because now i dont know whether he was actually busy or was just avoiding my complaint knowing that i eventually going to hang up. This was certainly a disservice and what is the point in having a customer care center when i am not bieng cared for?????????????????????????????????
I would like to pass a complaint about the poor service i got on Saturday the 10th of April 2010. I phoned your customer care centre in the morning and was put on hold for more than 30minutes and after patiently waiting i managed to speak to the call attendent whose name i got who assisted me and then i asked her to refer me to her supervisor and had to hold again for the supervisor to come to the phone to attend me but he never did until i got really frustrated and hang up. My frustration is that as busy as the guy may have been at least MTN should have had the courtesy of telling me that the guy is currently busy because now i dont know whether he was actually busy or was just avoiding my complaint knowing that i was eventually going to hang up. This was certainly a disservice and what is the point in having a customer care center when i am not bieng cared for??????????????????
I would like to trace anumer tha i called around November 2009. My mobile number is 0833926669. Can you please e mail me the print out of the list of numbers that were dialed between November and December 2009.
Die opvangs te andalay Nr. 7 Sonneveld Estates Brakpan is uiters swak. Kan daar nie iets aan gedoen word nie.
Vriendelike groete.
Dear Sir
I appreciate the work MTN does, the only problem is you loose alot of revenue on fuel in Uganda. The firm that fuels your generators at MTN masks make lots of money on fuel cards, These are changed every 3 months or 4 just to do away with evidence. The pople dealing in this have built real estates in kamapala and earn 800 milion and above per month and share amonsgt themselves.
Your service is the worst ever, I have changed my banking details and have now tried for 3 months to get you to deducy my monthly fees, but you still have not, my phone is once again suspended. You are incompetent!!!!!!