Etranzact Ghana is again making an attempt to entrench the culture of electronic commerce in Ghana’s business landscape. Ghana like much of the rest of Africa, still relies on cash transactions. Etranzact being a payment processor, is creating awareness about ecommerce through a series of events targeted at the Ghanaian marketplace. Find below an introduction of Etranzact’s incubation programme:
The eTranzact Business Incubation Program was developed as an avenue to encourage small to medium enterprises to adapt the use of technology to expand their business operations and/or create additional revenue streams for themselves.
This quarter, the Business Incubation Program will focus on ecommerce and the advantages of an online presence and how these can be used by individuals and SME’s in Ghana to build sustainable businesses.
This topic was picked based on the identified need for information and knowledge we have encountered in our industry. eTranzact is an electronic payment solutions platform that provides individuals, businesses and financial institutions with means to pay and/or receive money using their mobile phones, the internet, POS terminals, and at bank outlets. We provide the technological interface that automates all payment processes, and facilitates the movement of funds electronically from the payer to the payee.
We have already signed on a number of entrepreneurs onto the eTranzact platform who use our API to receive payments on their websites from customers. However, there is a noticeable lack of knowledge on the proper management, development and marketing of an ecommerce website and also the financial know-how to sustain such an enterprise. This incubation program aims to considerably reduce this knowledge gap, and to further spread the use of ecommerce in Ghana.
The one day program will take place in two sessions.
The 1st session is a panel discussion to be handled by resource persons who are experienced ecommerce practitioners in Ghana:
Starting a technology-oriented company in 3rd World Ghanaby Mr. Kofi Dadzie, MD, Rancard Solutions
eCommerce: Website Development and Data managementby Mr. Oluniyi D. Ajao, Web4Africa Ltd.
eMarketing: The Importance of online advertisingby Mr. JE Allotey-Papoe, Business Ghana
Financing your entrepreneurial activitiesby Mr. Nelson Da Seglah, Group ISM, UT Financial Services
Electronic payment systems in Ghanaby Mr. George Babafemi, eTranzact Ghana Limited
The 2nd session of the event would focus on a review of the submitted business ideas.
Before and at the start of the program, participants would be encouraged to submit summaries of business plans or ideas they wish to develop. These would have a focus on ecommerce and would be picked at random for discussion between the panel, the owner of the concept, and the rest of the participants.
The participant, based on the previous panel discussion, would be required to appraise his/her own plan and suggest ways to improve it along with the other participants.
This Session would draw upon the full expertise of the panelists in nurturing participants’ ideas and equipping them with the basic tools to launch their businesses with. In this regard, eTranzact would give free APIs to the participants who have the most feasible plans.
Venue: BusyInternet Conference Room Date: Friday 28th May 2010 Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm *Kindly pre-register by calling 030-2671694 or 054-4330001
Ecommerce is more of retail than anything else. so this is based on retail.
Well businesses going online seems to be the next thing in retail or other services in Ghana. The goodwill on rent thses days is just getting too high.
New start-ups have to put all their capital into in the rent for 10 years can you image? and most of this shops dont even make the money back, some of them close down within the first few years, when they do not turn over good profit margins.
Another thing is that Ghanaian shops do not like displaying prices it is very hard to find a Ghanaian online shop with prices writen there. In a country of 23 mill people and only 240,000 connected to the net would be really hard to sell only online.
These payment Ghanaian systems charge too much for the service or luck of service they offer in Ghana which eats into your own profit before the banking charges also come in. you can pass the cost to the customer then whats the point of being online. Until they come up with lower prices I dont think people will rush to use them on their sites.
Well I noticed something even Oluniyi David Ajao (web 4 Africa) does not use etranzact so why should I??
[…] payment options such as the Safaricom‘s M-pesa, Zain‘s ZAP, MTN‘s Mobile Money or e-tranzact. I can boldly say these channels would have provided FIFA with more revenue than it has already […]
nice one, thats why I like you down to earth man. I was skocked when I found out that you were the ceo of web 4 africa. I think you have done very well in promoting online busness and domains. You seem to have not forgotten your roots of how you started. well done
eCommerce: Website Development and Data management…
Oluniyi D. Ajao of Web4Africa would be speaking on 28th May 2010 at Etranzact’s Business Incubator programme on “eCommerce: Website Development & Data management”. BUSINESS INCUBATION PROGRAM Theme/Topic : The Business of eCommer…
try is the faster growing eCommerce website in Ghana,where you can sale your product and service ,free of change my advices to business owns to list their products online for free only….
Ecommerce is more of retail than anything else. so this is based on retail.
Well businesses going online seems to be the next thing in retail or other services in Ghana. The goodwill on rent thses days is just getting too high.
New start-ups have to put all their capital into in the rent for 10 years can you image? and most of this shops dont even make the money back, some of them close down within the first few years, when they do not turn over good profit margins.
Another thing is that Ghanaian shops do not like displaying prices it is very hard to find a Ghanaian online shop with prices writen there. In a country of 23 mill people and only 240,000 connected to the net would be really hard to sell only online.
These payment Ghanaian systems charge too much for the service or luck of service they offer in Ghana which eats into your own profit before the banking charges also come in. you can pass the cost to the customer then whats the point of being online. Until they come up with lower prices I dont think people will rush to use them on their sites.
Well I noticed something even Oluniyi David Ajao (web 4 Africa) does not use etranzact so why should I??
😀 Please keep me out of this. 😀
[…] payment options such as the Safaricom‘s M-pesa, Zain‘s ZAP, MTN‘s Mobile Money or e-tranzact. I can boldly say these channels would have provided FIFA with more revenue than it has already […]
nice one, thats why I like you down to earth man. I was skocked when I found out that you were the ceo of web 4 africa. I think you have done very well in promoting online busness and domains. You seem to have not forgotten your roots of how you started. well done
Thanks for your kind words Mr Quay.
eCommerce: Website Development and Data management…
Oluniyi D. Ajao of Web4Africa would be speaking on 28th May 2010 at Etranzact’s Business Incubator programme on “eCommerce: Website Development & Data management”. BUSINESS INCUBATION PROGRAM Theme/Topic : The Business of eCommer…
try is the faster growing eCommerce website in Ghana,where you can sale your product and service ,free of change my advices to business owns to list their products online for free only….
Well done