Free to air is an expression used to describe both television and radio broadcasts that are not encrypted. This enables anyone;
- With a satellite dish to pick up these TV programs without subscribing to a cable or satellite company.
- With an ordinary radio to pickup and listen to radio programs.
When first radio and then television began, virtually all programs on the networks were free to air and could be listened to or viewed by anyone in close enough range to broadcast antennas.

Free-to-air (FTA) television (TV) and radio broadcasts are sent unencrypted and may be received via any suitable receiver.
- Free-to-view (FTV) is, generally, available without subscription.
- A free-to-air or FTA Receiver is a satellite television receiver designed to receive unencrypted broadcasts.
- Though free to air programming may be free to watch, it is not free for the broadcasting company. All broadcasting radio and television stations must pay licensing fees to legally broadcast. The broadcasting company can save a lot of money by cutting on the FTA.
The purpose of viewing unencrypted free-to-air satellite channels include health, ethnic, religious and educational programs.
Most FTA satellite TV services are heavily subsidized by ads. If FTA is your target, get ready to be showered by ads.
Please which satellite has the most FTA channels in Nigeria?