Zain Ghana Number Reservation

Zain Ghana
Zain Ghana

Something big seems to be coming to Ghana. Zain in preparation towards their commercial roll-out, is giving residents of Ghana the chance to reserve their dream phone number on the Zain 026 cellular network.

The URL for this is

Update: I have closed the entry of any new comments on this blog post. If you still need information on how you can pre-register your Zain Ghana phone number, visit:

Zain Ghana: How to Pre-Register Your Dream Phone Number

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Oluniyi D. Ajao
Oluniyi D. Ajao is an Internet Entrepreneur and Tech Enthusiast based in South Africa. Follow him on twitter @niyyie for more tech updates.


    • i want you to reserve 0266159990 for me. i am currently using MTN number 0244159990. thank you for your wanderful work.

  1. When will the zaine chip be unveil to the public? I need it right now. I want the zaine reservation of 02666666557. I need it I need that number. Where is the office located in Ghana?

  2. Zaine, you are welcome to Ghana. We are tired of poor networks of others network service providers in Ghana, and that the presence of zaine, will somehow stimulate keen competition. Better network, better service, zaine all the way.
    Please, reserve zaine number 0266555550 for me.

  3. hello, i’am CARLOS NEGLOKPE. Currently i’am using a TIGO NETWORK 0274528560, but would to join the zain network 0262300300. thanks for ur concern.

  4. Please i want you to reserve me a zain number and am currently on 0245-994303.And where in Kumsi can I find your office.I also want to be a vender of your network..Please call or send me update on my current number…

  5. 😎

    Please would you reserve Zain number 026-703796. I’m currently using 0242-703796. Thanks, and hope to enjoy a wonderful world. welcome to Ghana.

  6. 😛 hi zain that is a pretty good thing you ve done congratulations and welcome.hope you will give us better services than the would i get the chip. i reserve 026-6212121

  7. Hi, My new zain no is 0264431654, i am currently on 0244431654..
    I hope zain has alot to offer us, especially those of us who have been crucified by MTN all these while..
    Cant wait to have a feel of you,Zain.

  8. Hi, My new zain no is 0264431654, i am currently on 0244431654..
    I hope zain has alot to offer us, especially those of us who have been crucified by MTN all these while..
    Cant wait to have a feel of you,Zain.

    Anyways, how much is the chip? lol..

  9. i want a zain new number. am currently on 0207372259.please reserve my zain number to be part of the zain family. thank you.from tamale

  10. I have high exceptions for you guys. Hope you gonna wonderful as your name sounds. have a happy stay in Ghana. RESERVE THIS NUMBER FOR ME:0 263485852 cyaa! 😀

  11. :grin:how can i not join this wonderful world, cruising on my own WONDERFUL number. kindly reserve 026-6006006 and 026-3333111 and 026-6226221. am on 024-4636105

  12. hi my name is Rejoice Delali Gbesemete and my no. is 0243 769097
    pls kindly the zain no. for this line for me .

  13. Hi Zain and welcome to the land of peace and love,i wish you a happy stay.reserve number 0262111777,and my contact number is,0277681694

  14. Hi please reserve the following numbers for me and my family. 026 619954, 026 854702, 026 678111 and 026 804 304. Our old numbers were; 024 4619954, 024 4854702, 024 4678111 and 024 3804304

  15. Hello people of Zain. What a wonderful moment, can you please reserve this number for me 026 – 619918 my contact number is 0244619918 Thanks

  16. hello, When will the zaine chip be unveil to the public? I need it right now. I want the zaine reservation of 0260260260 I need it I need that number. Where is the office located in Ghana?

  17. When will the zaine chip be unveil to the public? I need it right now. I want the zaine reservation of 02666666557. I need it I need that number. Where is the office located in Ghana?
    this my number 0246928595

  18. 😎 i want to reserve the number 026-022261 or 026-111110 i’m currently on 0242170013. u welcome to ghana


  19. i want to reserve the number 026-022261 or 026-111110 i’m currently on 0242170013. u welcome to Ghana


  20. i want to reserve the number 026-301040 or 026-626214 i’m currently on 0243……. 😆 u welcome to Ghana


  21. 😆 Welcome to Ghana, i hope you give us a service that will be second to none. Please reserve for me the Zain version of MTN 0244-262632 that is 026-262632

  22. i am prince wahab i will like to reserve this number on zain,0262227777 my number is 0242278731,and i think for this to be easier for people they shoud work on they are face 3 of the registration that is where people are having problem thanks.

  23. i want to reserve the number 026-301040 or 026-626214 i’m
    currently on 0243……. 😆 u welcome to Ghana


  24. Dear Zain, I have difficulty using your number reservation system. I would like to reserve 026-740-0202 if it is available. I am currently on tiGO 027-740-0202. Thank you.

  25. Hello Zain, it’s been wounderful seeing you in GH. Am currently on 0243-968756 and want to reserve 026-968756, 026-970949 and 026-952771 on Zain. Wanna be part of the wounderful things that is coming soon!

  26. Hello,
    Welcome to Ghana. Hope your presence will bring great improvement and copetiveness into the mobile phone system.
    Hope to be on the following last six numbers 865599.

  27. Iam interested in your 026 number. I have a plot of land in Tema community 22 that i can offer zain to mount ypur anternal on if you want to mount your polls and thank you for comming to Ghana.
    Thank you.

  28. hello ,
    you are warmly welcome to Ghana the land of honey and is really a dream come true and am in hurry to start using your network.please i want you to reserve this zain number for me 026-628619. i am currently using 0276628619

  29. HI ,
    thank you for coming to Ghana where you are welcomed more than anywhere.please kindly reserve this number for my one and only sweetheart 0266569264. she is currently using 0249569264.

  30. HI ,
    thank you for coming to Ghana where you are welcomed more than anywhere.please kindly reserve this number for my one and only sweetheart 0266569264. she is currently using 0249569264.

  31. Hello Zain our saviour, kindly reserve for me the zain number 026-763939. I’m currently on the onetouch number 0207-763939. Thanks

  32. Hi zain l want to reserve this number for me happy u are in Ghana,and i love to work with u as well i was at ur creer fair so time ago.i hope and believe that all Ghanaian are going to have a wonderful world.

  33. Hi, I warmly welcome you to Ghana. Honestly, we require players with international exposure like you to pose strong competition for existing players to sit up

  34. Hello Zain, welcome to Ghana, kindly reserve the zain number 026-817024 for my sweet heart,She is currently on the onetounch number 0206-817024

  35. Hi, I warmly welcom you to Ghana. Honestly, we require players with international exposure like you to pose stromg competition for existing players to sit up.
    Kindly reserve my existing no. 024 4 232287 for me.

  36. You are welcome to Zain and we hope that you will give us better service than the rest.i want my zain number to be 0266554433

  37. my old number is 0209561655 and i want my zain number to 0267123456. i hope zain will be different from all network and is ging to provide better service for their customers. Zain welcome


  39. I know Zain is currently gonna make the competition tight then the others who taught there wasn’t any alternative in the Ghanaian telecommunications industry would sit up.

    I would like to reserve 026 602 602 6

    I am currently on 020 658 033 2

  40. Please, kindly reserve these number for my employees.

    026-3618499, 026-3260477, 026-2331505, 026-4036197, 026-4864831,

    026-2180707 & 0268080430

  41. I will like to know., when is your Network SIM be unveiled for the public to patronage in it.And also i will like to know when and where should i pick my SIM at and what is required for me to bring along when coming to your office.

    KOFI 0243702676

  42. as you know new things got to be experience to see if really they are different from the rest. you know we r facing so much problems with net works in Ghana and we want a difference.. so why dont you surprise Ghanaians.. we love surprises… “be careful no to flop cause i will hmmmmmmmm, wouldnt know wat to say:roll:
    back to business, can you please reserve this number for me 0261112233

  43. hi, my girlfriend and i wanna reserve a Zain that is 0267767129 and 0269180611 .. currently we are using 0207767129 , 0209180611 respectively

  44. Don’t you people think that ZAIN is starting with Azaaa!!!!!!

    You cannot get to page 3 of the registration page.

    Azaaa ooooooooooooo Azaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😯

  45. yea, it has happened, i knew a communication network will come being on the top of all networks and its here. that “ZAIN”
    pls i will like to reserved these two numbers for myself and my lady the numbers are 0262548221 and 0266405942
    Im curently on 0242548221 and want to leave from this network so pls reserve my zain number for me.

  46. Hi, want have a my zain number reserved for my employees as 026 3226811,026 6262626, 026 2518180 and 026 8120686.i am currently on 0208849145. Tanx

  47. i wish ZAIN, will make (GPRS) affordable to its custommer.
    Inspite of that, many users will find them self using ZAIN
    more than orter network. Also will make the youth ascess the
    net with less coast.In terms or any aceptable information.
    Remember; lesscoast attract more user.And ZINE will make
    more money. ZAIN stay bleesed.
    kofi koomson, write.

  48. Hi Zain
    My name is Bediako and would like the company to reserve the zain number 026 332 956 4 cos i am on the areeba number 024 332 956 4 that’s my favorite.Thanks and enjoy your stay in Ghana

  49. Hi, the e-mail address I sent earlier was wrong. However, my request still stands: reserve the number 0263122888 for me.Thanks a lot for the good work you are about to do. I can’t wait.

  50. plse reserve zain number 026 7801011 and 026 7801907 my number is 024 4780621. We are tired of what we have now and also they dont deliver.

  51. 😐 helo i am bismark afranie boateng gutenberg and i want to reserve this number 0260000000 i am currently using this number 0240166172 i want to take this opportunity to apply for employment at your office in kumasi as sales supervisor or accounts clerk i am a person with much experience in finance field employment so information contact me on 0240166172

  52. finally…finally the much awaited mobile phone net-work is here
    HURRY….HURRY God bless this day.
    welcome to Ghana.
    I wanna reserve a Zain number 026 – 7501010.
    Am now using 024 – 5011750.

  53. i wish to own this number on the zain’s network….0264945852 😆 and for my friend Veronica….hers should be 0264697165

  54. you are welcome we are mostly interested in low rate in the GPRS make it afordable for us the youth okay…kindly reserve 0266 861131 for me..i will be glad if you let me know how to get the reserved number…….. 🙄 😎

  55. Hi My name is Lydia, I would like you to reserve the number 0266171781. I am currently on 0249171781. Thanks for coming to Ghana. I do hope we enjoy your services. Thanks

  56. :cool:<blockquote cite a wonder world, welcome to Ghana. Please I want to reserve Zain number 0266867564. I’m currently on MTN number 0243-867564

  57. 😎 😥 😳
    Hi there zain community am online for one purpose and that is to be reserved a zain number and wants it to be 0266123456 or if it has been request by some one already then i will go for 0266556677

  58. Hi ZainGhana,register me to the wonderful family…reserve(026 2002000)for me.
    That is the only number that will make me use your network.

  59. hi Zain Ghana, welcome once again to Ghana. My name is Elizabeth Kitson and i would like to reserve my number 0262578014. My number is 0242578014

  60. As you can see, the expectations are high and it is a challenge which I know is not above you. My reserved number is 026291957