The African School of Economics (ASE) has launched Africa’s first 5G Mokki Tech Space, a network of immersive digital learning and remote work environments connected via fifth-generation mobile communication technology. In collaboration with partner universities in Africa and Finland, the ASE’s modular tech spaces will take the institution’s presence to remote areas and help local communities leapfrog access to high-technology education, remote job creation and digital entrepreneurship.
The satellite model of the ASE’s tech spaces can help prevent various African regions and remote areas from falling behind in the innovation and acceleration of products and services powered by artificial intelligence. The 5G Mokki is a modular high-tech unit for developing software applications that require ultra-fast internet connections to render immersive, three-dimensional (3D), virtual-reality (VR), and augmented-reality (AR) learning environments, as well as to deliver innovative services and remote work from and to any location in the world.
The ASE announced its 5G Mokki Tech Space at the occasion of the 5G Seasonal School held simultaneously in Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Zambia this week. The tech spaces enable new types of trans-continental studies combining technology and business.
Education, business and technology experts from Africa, the United States, and Europe suggested that renowned institutions like Stanford University should allocate one per cent of their curricula to applied technology studies in collaboration with top universities in Africa. This, they argued, was bound to have a very significant positive impact on entrepreneurship and job creation, as well as on economic, social and ecological sustainability.
The 5G Mokki Tech Space combines both education and research close to companies and the market. With its ability to make the world a smaller place, 5G technology has the potential to turn Africa into a productivity powerhouse, enabling corporations anywhere in the world to access technologically skilled labour and services from Africa via high-touch, 5G-enabled remote connections in real-time.
The 5G Mokkis provide an opportunity for international corporations to tap into highly skilled, young African talent, not only to deliver remote work but also to spur innovation. The 5G technology is a hundred times faster on mobile devices and ten times faster than the fastest fixed broadband services currently, enabling entirely new categories of applications, including remote control of drones, self-driving cars, complex industrial processes, remote surgery, remote work and meetings in virtual or augmented reality, and remote learning.