The West Africa Peering Forum (WAPF) invites you to an online conversation titled “Pathway to building a dynamic and resilient Peering and Interconnection Ecosystem in West Africa”.
West Africa has a vast potential with Internet exchange points (IXPs) to bring faster, higher-quality connectivity to people as well as foster digital transformation. But high costs for transmission capacity, regulatory issues, and insufficient digital infrastructure and innovation are limiting in-country, intra-regional peering, and IXP growth.
Join stakeholders from the region and beyond and learn how to foster the growth of Internet exchange points and how to connect the unconnected and provide high-speed, reliable, and resilient Internet to people at lower costs.
The event date is Thursday 29 July 2021 at 14:00 UTC (15:00 WAT).
- Ben Roberts, Group Chief Technology, & Innovation Officer, Liquid Intelligent Technologies
- Brian Davenport, Solutions Engineer, Team Cymru
- Ndiogou Fall, Transmission and IP Expert, Orange Infrastructure, Networks et Services (OINIS) – Afrique
- Aderemi Adejumo, Managing Director, Cloudflex
West Africa Peering Forum (WAPF) 2021

The West Africa Peering Forum (WAPF) is a regional peering and interconnection event, which promotes knowledge sharing and learning on Peering and Interconnection in the West Africa region. It believes knowledge and experience sharing can contribute to decades of growth in the African continent.
Event Type: Event
Event Attendance Mode: OnlineEventAttendanceMode
Event Status: EventScheduled
Performer: Organization
Performer Name: Internet Society
Performer URL: https://www.internetsociety.org/
Start Date: 2021-07-29 16:00
End Date: 2021-07-29 17:30
Ticket URL: https://tech.africa/wapf-2021/
Currency: USD
Availability: InStock
Availability Starts: 2021-07-29T16:00:00