free2view is not exactly new – it has been in existence for years. They have been lurking in the shadows for a while now, but relaunched properly some months ago with a mission of capturing former GTV subscribers. Before now, free2view had been at loggerheads with ICASA, South Africa’s regulatory body in charge of broadcasting, post and telecommunication.
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) warned that if the UK based free-to-air broadcaster continued operating without a licence it could block Free2View’s satellite signal or take other action.
free2view has since surmounted that challenge and positioned itself for a brilliant future. The service is unlike your typical free-to-air digital satellite TV service. While the service is free-of-charge, the signals are encrypted. Thus, one would need to procure their own decoder or buy a voucher for a GTV decoder, to be able to enjoy their free TV/radio channels.

When GBS/GTV abruptly exited the market in January 2009, they left some 180,000 subscribers in Africa high and dry. The same number of GTV decoders were rendered useless since those decoders were custom-made for GTV. However, free2view found a way to make those decoders useful again. They simply required the old GTV subscribers to buy a free2View Switchon Voucher for activation, and point their satellite dish towards Astra 4A at 4.8°E. The GTV decoder would then download a software update before linking up to the free2view service.
The following statement from their website explains their mission:
free2View is a free–to–consumer encrypted digital satellite Broadcaster. We’re the largest Free to Air satellite Broadcaster in Africa with an estimated population footprint of 850 million people and a known base of 50 million TV households – excluding Nigeria – where there is a further estimated 50 Million TV households.
The demise of the Pay TV operator GTV in Sub Saharan Africa left a dilemma. f2V as the free–to–air element of the box – with its news channel MSNBC – was aware of the disruption and great disadvantage suffered by the people of Africa – in particular East Africa, who after buying a box – and in some instances paying large sums of money in Subscription fees in advance – were now disenfranchised. It was f2V’s determination that this would not happen again. The poor should not always pay.
We have subsequently turned this dilemma into a huge opportunity. With the directors firm belief in free–to–air television, f2V is set about finding a way for the GTV boxes to be reused. With the help of our strategic partner NDS, a method was created.
f2V now owns the technology providing the head end and encryption methodology . We are able to address all 180 000 ex GTV subscribers. The viewer now has the ability with a once–off purchase, in the form of a Switchon voucher , to re–open their old GTV box. Viewers are now able to watch the best of Digital Satellite TV as well as many other community and state broadcast channels we know are important to our audience, in their native tongue, be it English, French, Portuguese, Dutch or Swahili.
The encrypted feed now enables f2V to offer premium digital satellite television for free. We have therefore included content from the BBC, ITV, Freemantle and much, much more…
It was and remains the objective of free2View to provide the best Digital Satellite TV for FREE . No Monthly Bills, No Subscription, No Contract. Just FREE Digital Satellite TV.
free2view is aiming to offer 4 different bouquets: f2VBasic, f2V+2, f2V+3 and f2V+5. However, it doesn’t seem like all is well with free2view. Of their 4 bouquets, only f2VBasic is active and even with that, 4 of the channels are currently off-air:
- f2V One: the latest soaps, drama, action and movies. (currently off air)
- Canal 2: Canal 2 International (Cameroon) is a French entertainment channel specifically targeting African and Caribbean communities.
- Canal 3 Benin
- Vox Africa
- BVN: a Dutch public TV station
- Canal Info News: The French news service from West Africa
- f2V Movies: blockbuster movies (currently off air)
- f2V Kids: cartoons (currently off air)
- LMTV: General Entertainment Christian value channel with popular programs such as House, CSI Miami. The channel is broadcast in French.
- Touba TV: a senegalise TV service (currently off air)
SwitchSat is the official online supplier and distributor of Free2View decoders, both the original GTV decoder as well as the new KAON decoder for all Sub–Saharan African countries. You would need to contact them for the original GTV decoder, the new KAON decoder or SwitchOn vouchers.
free2view is powered by a UK-based company known as Great Media.
thanks for this, David! My gbs decoder can come back safely? I guess they will provide more info when they roll out?
Hi David can you just give me info about where to get the gtv switchon card,
Sierra Leone
Sorry Richard, The Switch-On Vouchers are nolonger on sale, for a while that is. This is due to technical reason, so I was told, by free2view. I was one of the pple selling them in Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. The old voucher is being replaced with an easier one but this is in the near future. I can not put a time to it but just follow this space.
Thats why the premium channels F2V One, Two and Kids are off Air
how can i get etv in ghana,i understand that it is on air now.charles
you can get etv ghana live on skyy digital decoder in ghana or only in accra on uhf channel on your normal tv
please when and how can we in ghana get swich on voucher to buy? we are desperate for this opportunity.david thank you.
I live in RSA and ordered a caon decoder AND paid for it. That was the last I ever heard from F2V again. They simply do not communicate at all. I have given them all the relevant info
What can I do. Any help will be appr.
It appears F2V “is on recess”. You might just have to visit where you bought it or be patient till they get back online.
Thanks for your answer. I have been waiting since March 2010 for this decoder. Paid thru paypal. No luck!!!
How do I make contact with Great media London??
Good Day
kindly let me know if you still looking for Tv Entertainment without a monthly payment.
Hi yeah i would like to have something like that as long as its good entertainment
i need the free tv how can i get it
How long does it take to install dstv if you’ve paid the required amount of money?
It would depend on the schedule of the installer.
If I would like to watch kenyan tv stations in UK, can I be able to get the relevant decorder and the installation services at a one-off-pay. I believe Switchsat may answer this and if possible their contact.
What antena should i use for my freeview in ghana
How do i contact the technical support i do install free sat and subscribed actually i’m a satelite technician in bungoma kenya please any help hand
Hi is the free2view firmware still updating when pointed to sirius4 freq. 12565 H Srt.30000. Or have they abandoned it. I have tried but the firmware doesnt download. Have they migrated from the above frequency ? Do they still sell switchon vourchers?.
Hi there,
For someone who lives in California and would like to enjoy these channels where does he get them? What is the best best attitude to take to have them in your possession?
Many thanks,
California is outside the footprint of free2view. You can’t receive it.
Hi David get canal+ in Ghana
Can you watch free2view with any FTA decoder or do you have to have a free2view decoder?
i have strong decoder in my possession-what are the steps i should take to have access to multitv free-to-air television channels?
hey people,how do i access f2v in zambia?how do i purchase switchon voucher?
How do you get hotbird channels on my dstv
Your question is a bit vague. Kindly offer more details.
wat wrong wit crtv gh on multitv decoder
can anyone help how 2 view scramble channel. hitv or my tv
Hi i need a gelp,am using multi tv decoder and can i get the free2view chennels.the sybole rate,frequency,and polarization.thank you.send it to my email address.
the last time i visited free2view website,they said they were trying to switch astra4 to intelsat so as to improve their coverage in most parts of africa which was impression that is why they are off air ,i mean f2v basic,movies,kids,f2v1,2,3,5etc.apart from that they said some channels can be viewed via gtv nds decorder such as btv,ntv,mta etc but when scanned i could not watch them apart from existing f.t.a i think they are doing nothing positive.hope one day they will find out why birds fly………….
hi.Wetin dey happen, i am strongly in need of frequencies of freee to air channel recievable nigeria with small dish. If u know any help me out
please iam one of those to say send me one here in kampala immediately. what do i need to make this happen.
please i would like you to send me frequenciecies that will enable me watch tv3, viasat, tv africa,and crystal tv on my strong decoder. Thanks
Good Day Sir
We are a Satellite Company based in the Free State we have several types of decoders an can provide you with a decoder that opens our S.african Tv1-2-3 should you be interested. We also have a decoder that provides you with free Dstv channels no monthly payments.
miss Niru
skype; nirupillay1
please i live in Calabar Nigeeria and im using mytv decorder srt 4669x, ineed freq for free dstv channels.
I need to view Dstv yoruba. Am in south africa, what shall I do. Am using Dstv decoder
Africa Magic Yoruba appears to be available to West Africa only.
please David, I use 2 dishes. i mistakengly deleted all channels and i was only able to get back my MYTV channels, havnt bn able to get d oda multitv and infinity channels. pls hw do I go about it?
If your satellite receiver supports Blind Scan, do a blind scan. It’d reveal all the other possible channels.
thanx dave, did that and got em back.
Olubells just enter in the menu of your decoder then go manual search then lock for astra 2b then the frequency 12552 v 19531 then scan you’ll see all multi tv channels fta for life
Please David, for the past three days i was unable to have access to GTV in Nigeria. What is wrong with their frequency? kindly do your own research and send me the feed back whether we can still get them on Astra4. Many, many thanks.
Any news on Free2view??? I see their websites have been suspended.
thanks alot for your marvelous job. my Dstv fta channels has stopped showing while its signal is still on (showing green colour). help me please.
How can I receive the free channels on Dstv?
my crtv is off d air n i want 2 add more channels to my strong decoder with 2 dish. Send it 2 my mail. please
I am unable to email everyone individually. Keep checking this blog for more updates.
crtv is off air, why and i need more free to air channells on my strong decoder with 2 smal dish. Kindly send it to my mail. Thanks
Pls.david genius kindly help wit fta stations on hotbird nd eutesalt w4,6,3.shalom
Their website has been suspended.
I hav dvb dvd panasonic dmr es20d but can’t get signal in tamale ghana.any help from u will do.
Plz i would like to have the frequencies for the fta channels that can work wit dstv signal on strong decorder srt 4669x in nigeria
i need d new frequency and symbolrate for free2view and any good free to air channel for usin sr467
i have a super max satelite reciever,and a 5inch cband dish;i have been watching tv stations from eastern europe like Russia today and bvn,can i watch even better channels with this reciever?if so pliz held and advise,thank u.By the way i hail from uganda.
kudos to you, my problem this time is that i got a message that i should rescan my digicox which i did bt my stations increased from 40 to 398 but scrambled channels is most of them including dstv n hitv. What can i do to watch them. Pls
Pls,what happen 2 free2viwe and crtv,i have been missing there program so much if u can send me there new freq,do it 4 me god will give u more ideal.thax 4 co-opeartion.
I do follow ur topic bt i need more information on malagasy or should i call it malacrasy coz of d problem involved durng installatn n y is it dt on 9 stations they are broadcastng
hi Davide am in Accra how can i get some free to air with my Multi TV black box
hi Davide am in Accra how can i get some free to air with my Multi TV black box
Please send me information:
Symbol rate
i need frequency for free2view
pls David.i want u to always update me when thier is new mail is [edited] .thanks and God bless u.
Keep checking this blog. Cheers.
Yesterday, i stayed home and watched TV icluding Africa Unite (Muvi tv) but by the end of the day, there was no signal for this channel. I also realise that where they used to be BEN TV, now there is EWTN (catholic channel). Any body with info about the above FTA channels?
Why are you not updating us anymore?
I have been busy. I will publish new updates soon.
Thanks 4 all your update but we still need more. God bless u.
Hi, please can you tell me how to enter biskey.
Hi? Sir please iam in Kenya help me how u watch Gtv free channel
Hi? Sir please iam in Kenya help me how u watch dstv free channel
where is crtv tv and what is happening to them l want to know.thank you
Hi David.
Some News. E.TV Botswana are taking SENTECH south Africa to Court over Iligally broadcasting SABC Tv 1,2 , 3 to other country’s like Zimbabwe, Botswana and the Rest of AFRICA. They must change the Encryption. Sentech will oppose this action.
Will keep you posted.
CRTV now showing but they’ve changed their name to Shalom tv…also can someone who lives in Nigeria receive the free2view channels??
How can i watch tv3 on multi tv?
Kindly drop the crtv freq 4 us pls or any fta freq.
Pls hw can I install Infinity tv using infinity decoder? Pls some one help me.
How can i catch, SABC 1,2,3? PLS i use a strong decoder. Could you pls send me the freq, polarisation. I live in Ghana. Thank you
Those channels are targetted at residents of southern Africa only.
Keep it my bros
pls i need freq for porn sat kindly help me out
please(100x) gie me some frequencies and symbol rates of some of the channels of f2v,Godbless!
pls is dere any sports or movie chan i can get with dis 4899orHD reacver east/w ku/c? Yes is dis thing i don understand in flysat i see minaj/Chanltv about 4or5 of dem dere in W as FTA for me to see HorV i see R or L i don no the meaning.explen for me and i want to no de size of dish one can use for it in NNEWI here. I here sombody ask u about microbox u don make any comment on it.pls if u no anything we ask here shere with us, don be angly with us. U see for comon man to pay 10,000for1month forhim to watch sports is toomuch for us.Thanks i no u will answer my qustion
Which direction free 2 viwe thy now pls send me d freq and srt yongkent 4 naija
hi Dave, i am just new to ur corner and i love what you duys are doing, pls keep it up.i am from port-harcourt in nigeria and would want you to help me by telling how to get free on air channels apart from multi tv. thanks
why is old cards/decoders not workin? Is it no ur product aswel, we r nt please wt d development.
why is old cards/decoders not workin? Is it not ur product aswel, we r nt please wt d development.
can i receive free kenyan tv channels via dstv in malawi
how do i access free kenyan tv via dstv in malawi
Hi i’am a kenyan and i need arabsat frequenc en porality email me pliz ìf u have an idea
I have a Gtv decoder CDVB 56680 how can I do to revive it to get to free 2view Tv
Pls, i am using hitv decoder and i want to view fta channels apart from cctvs. In nigeria. Pls.
pls i did canal but it did not work with avater3 i want to know what happen
How can i scan for fta porn channel on my hitv decoder.
It does not exist in Africa.
NEW PORN Channels to be Added on Sirius 4,8 at 5 Deg East in March 2012. Decoders and Smart Cards available through us @ Freq 12728
How can i add channels with a strong decoder
I need free tv how can i get it
Hi I am in south africa and I use dstv1131 and I do have the 30 free channels but it does not have other church station like emmanuel and loveworld etc. Another thing we use a universal dish as we stay in a flat please let me know if there are specific settings I must do
i am using 60cm dish on philibao decorder and want to watch free soccer. which satelite amd channels can i scan to iam in zimbabwe southern africa.
Pls my strong dnt av Astra 2B,pls how do i add it and itz frequencies?@ david
Hi there brother you are doing a job and keep it up,please tell me is possible for me to watch congolese channels here in South Africa using a DSTV decoder?if so please tell me how to set my decoder. Thanks
pls hw can i get fta channels in africa i am using strong decoder with 2 dishes. from ghana
i need latest software for magic box D.
hi,can some one help me ,i would like to know if canal2 international is reievable on fta[free].
is showing very well