I have received a lot of angry complaints in the comments area of A review of DStv Mobile and Nokia 5330 Mobile TV Edition from Nigeria, after DStv Mobile removed SuperSports 3 Nigeria (SS3N) from the bouquet of TV channels. SuperSport 3 is a 24 hour soccer channel. SuperSport 3 has the exclusive rights of telecasting the Premier League, UEFA Champions League, the FA Cup and other major soccer tournaments in most African countries.

I have republished a few of the comments below:
LEKAN from Nigeria: wrote on October 5th, 2010 at 9:58 am
Removing ss3 is absolutely breach of contract i think this people ass mtn,dstv need to be sued,99% 0f nigeria subscribe to it purposely because of ss3 and this the only channel we enjoy the rest are junks,something need to be done fast to stop these cheat and reaping nigerian of thier hard earn money,something they cant do in south Africa. habi
jeffery from Nigeria: wrote on October 2nd, 2010 at 5:40 pm
i wonder why d sudden disapperance of ss3n on my phone does it mean we r nt goin 2 get it back again i c no reason why d channel shld b discarded like dat is the only station i enjoy most on my phone pls guy when is it goin 2 b restord cuz i cn c my self goin 2 lagos o o
Akinbinu Rotimi from Kano, Nigeria: wrote on October 2nd, 2010 at 1:52 pm
I thought i was alone. I was amazed when i could not view ss3 on my Nokia 5330 Phone. Pls,Niyi,how do i subscibe to bring it back. I am ready to pay any amount 2 have access to that Channel.
I shared these sentiments with a top MTN Nigeria official when I met her at a conference recently. Her explanation was thus:
The broadcast rights owners of the European League matches requested to get paid for the matches being broadcast on DStv Mobile. DStv explained that the mobile TV service was on pilot basis and thus temporarily free of charge. EPL broadcast rights owners would have none of that. The result is that the channel was removed from the mobile service.
She concluded by asking me to throw this question out: How much are you willing to pay for DStv Mobile?
Good question.
The truth be told, DStv should have factored in the issue of rights
when they started the mobile tv thing.
Well, I’ll be willing to pay not more than N500 for a monthly subscription.
Yemi, Nigeria
I am guessing it will be much more than N500 unless MTN Nigeria receives a special kind of baptism!
Could you give us your idea of MTN SHOULD charge for the mobile TV service?
It shud be jst #1000. bt mtn na scam.
i will be willing to pay 2500 if mnet is there
A tough question to answer considering the fact that some of the users equally are paying for cable network at home. I feel anything above N500/month will make a lot of folks discard the DSTv mobile.
am not going 2 pay a dime 4 dat rubbish i see on Nigeria’s dstv mobile. God 4bid, make i pay money dat very boring african magic hausa, magic world, african magic english, tbn, nta, sport blitz, ss9… Its almost all d channels, what a shame on 9ja 419 mobile netwks
4 real compared 2 dstv smallest bouquet, 500naira a month will b d best cos mst of us still subscribe in our respective homes. It will b really reasonable.
Wel i think mtn should share d cost 50-50 with her customers having breach d contract.
#500 a month it should be and nothing else but they should really spice it up a little bit with a movie channel or something please,its too dry.
It’s does not matter what price you write here. MTN does not listen to any one.
Its a sad story dat foreigners r fund of sayin dat nigerians r 419 and we r doin it 2 ourselves,Reap us off our HARD EARN MONEY.I leave d rest 2 GOD
Its 2 sad dat mtn in Nigeria is a FRAUD.Dey v a legal dept dat could interprete wat FRAUD is.As much as i enjoy SS3,i cant pay more dan 100 a mnth or i BRAKE MY MTN SIM,sins i must use it 4 dstv mobile,becos no 1 cals me on it.
Subscription to DStv mobile is R39 per month but as an introductory offer, it is free until the end of March 2011.
which is 5.58 us dollar
I also am of the opinion that it should not be more than N500 per month, cos left to me, SS3 was the only reason I bought an MTN Line.
What charge! let them (DSTV) give us channels like Mnet,Discovery and SS3N etc and N1000 will idea.
Its a pity dat we cant stop dis Mtn’s fraud n cheat 4 yrs nw. Dstv mobile shdnt b more than 1000 wit SS3N or else 500. All other station on dstv’s r RUBBISH. Thank God their SIM is useless to me.
how much am going to pay in other me to subscribe to dstv mobile
1000 is ok for starting… am sure it will still come down to 500, when the other communication’s compny get there own..
How much are we dstv mobile 5330 owners will pay for subscription after the promo next month.
I’m tired of d junks given 2 me as channels.Can u pls restore us ss3.even if we have 2 pay 4 transmittion.Also the exclusion of nigerian viewers from matches shown ss7 and ss9 without explaination.
Mtn are big thieves see all junk of channel given to me to watch without SS3 it is worthless restore it and 500 and 1000 is ok
Let d ss3 b restore bcos som piple av d misn of getn new one. Watch out 4 glo dstv mobile.
i realy dont undstnd why nigeria is not getting better.well i think its bad rulaship.more than3000 people have dvb-h service on demand in imo state but nig nigeria communication sector are not considering that.but uprade the channels and increase them. 1500per mnth can for 25 good channels.
Mtn is a fraud,all d chanels are wack without ss3,e,mnets,bet,discovery,if ds are there ill pay 500 per month,unless ill sell d phone
Pls I want to comfirm if the service’ll be closed by 31 march 2011, Had it being it occurred to me, I wouldn’t have bought it just 2 days ago. (20 march 2011). what a waste….
i think N1000 monthly is just fine for a start,but i am of the opinion that mtn should restore SS3 if they want us to pay.
i think N1000 monthly is just fine for a start,but i am of the opinion that mtn should restore SS3 if they want us to pay for the services
#1000 is ok provided d selection of the channel are worldclass. For soccer loving fans SS3,SS7,SS5,SS9 nd blitz should b d minimum standard, for news around the world CNN,BBC WORLD,SKY NEWS and Aljazeera.for entertainment channel O, mtv base nd soundcity is ok others include discovery channel, AIT instead of Nta,mnet series,m-net,africa magic,ESPN,NATIONAL geographic.with this a thousand or a thousand five hundrd is ok.
for me i will make sure i break dat nonsense 5330 and dat stupid mtn sim
1000 or 1500 is perfect provided SS3 is restored.i cn pay 1000 4 SS3 evn if other channels r nt there.wfout SS3,d dstvmobile project is a scam&i bet u,mtn wl lose patronage&they shld nt 4get they have a competitor in glo now who would be ready 2 seize d opportunity.SS3 must be restored nw nt nxt season plsss!
since dat i bought my nokia 5330 dstv mobile edition i have not been able to watch any channels, it keep saying purchase subscription. please what do i do to any me have acess to all the channels?
since dat i bought my nokia 5330 dstv mobile edition i have not been able to watch any channels,it keep saying purchase subscription. please what do i do to have acess to all the channels?
Hi! I am from south africa and i also got dstv mobile and i really think that multichoice needs to add some channels to dstv mobile to their existing channels
i think lots of people like me with dstv mobile they want to watch movies,music and enjoy discovery wild life of which dstv mobile its not offering to us at the mobile
and i understand that on dstv mobile we have channel O,trace for music
but what the movies channels like m-net movies
these are the channels that we are looking for
not these junks like africa magic,sony max and cn
multichoice pls for us in south africa dstv mobile suscribers pls add for us channels like m-net,bet,discovery,vh1&Rhema
but m-net its really on demand at the moment
What is happening to DSTV Mobile now as we do not have access to Big Brother Africa Amplified. I have rescanned and rescanned but to no avail. Have we been cut out from viewing this again?
it should be a fraction of what we pay for the lowest bouquet on real DSTV. say N300-N700. But they should include MNET and SS3Ni at least to make it attract more interest and give them more subscribers to make the mass to sustain the service. the existing channels are barely worth N250. Pls why did MTN remove bambarity … the Special number N250/month unlimited call.
mtn n dstv are rubbish,had i known i wodn’t ‘ve bought dat phone becoz it’s useless 2 me,notin 2 enjoy.mtn n dstv are fraudsters-as far as gud nigeria are.
as at today 31 may 2011, the dstv channel in my phne has been reduced to 2 (nta, channel O) does this means free access has expired? Nd if they are to charge us let them add more channels, like mnet, mnet ser., al jazeera, ss3 e.t.c. Let us enjoy our hard earned money
i like to watch documentary only,with dat on my phone,i can pay #500:a month otherwise not worthy.
It’s right. Mtn and dstv disappointed us. How can you advertise the dstv mobile phone with SS3N then later removed with the deceitful reason that they don’t hv the right? Anyway,they fool themselves not us! If they wish, SS3N should be returned or they’ll not hv any penny from me. Useless channels! They are not even educative but instead bombarding the phone with music and big brothers ,just corrupting the society. Also, are we kids for us to watch cartoons? Only the news that is ok and I could watch that for free elsewhere.
My neme is Akin. From nigeria.5 of My Dstv channel.i cant view them plesec i need your help.
plz u guy should try nd get back that of supersport N3, no matter how much is worth. plz i want it back 2 my phone.
How much are we 2 pay 4 d channels.
Mtn nd dstv why?u deserve us,if not 4 ss3 i wouldn’t buy dis phone, am frm Ghana è same tin applys here.
As a premium DSTV subscriber, I am willing to pay N500 monthly just for SS3N to be added on my mobile.
what can i do to enjoy the free to air chanel, because i believe the part of Nigeria i’m living ( WARRI ) is a low ground which is making it difficult to receive signals from those kenya stations.i blind scan every moment with my SRT 4669 X HD with well positioned dish but nothing new,i have these dishes in position.Eutelsat4,INTELSAT,NSS,and ASTRAL2b all ku.can any help com for especially for those kenya chanels.
I had this same problem last year August (2010). I decided to sue Multichoice in this regard. The matter is now sub judice before the High Court of Lagos State, so I won’t comment further but when the suit is over, I will let you chaps in. Takia
Dear sir/madam
How much is the dstvmobile south africa?
Thank you
DStvmobile and MTN are not yet ready for Nigeria. Until they do and we see the quality of programmes they can provide, debate on the cost should be suspended.
i need another internet tv not dstv pls i want no how many MB it will cost me to watch internat tv up to 6hr a day i wan to put the sowftwere in my laptop.bc i no with internte asess i can gate more station without dstv thanks
now becuz ss10 was formally on the maxi bouquet, dstvmobile nig has gone totally off…..all becuz of the Epl.
How can i get this dstv mobile in my express music mobile phone
pls help me,i can view any channel apart frm nta,o.d message is contact ur service operator.what do i do now…
has anyone tried the dstv mobile package on the glo network
Why dstv mobile not working in all 9ja state?
Niger na scrap. I need more channels on my 5330 am a secondary student u can imagin hw i bought that hel of a phone wit my money.
I promise mtn we loose costumer cuz ss3 is the most channel we watch is dat so changer to beta
I promise mtn we loose costumer cuz ss3 is the most channel we watch is dat so change to beta
I like dstv mobile when they can be able to give us current matches, not u have dstv mobile when match is going on, u still go and pay for another place. is bored pls.
@ Oluniyi D. Ajao – how much is dstv demanding nigerians to pay to access s3? please reply
epl match,even when about three to five top teams in epl is playin u can’t watch any one,no ss3,ss7 and even ss10.the only ones can get is ss9 and ss selet and is just like having dstv mobile in nigeria is useless because u can’t even enjoy the purpose is meant for and nt everybody have the time going to viewin centre to watch live matches especially epl.dstv can increase the subscribtions fee but give the people what they need and mtn and glo should do more by talkin dstv for better services in nigeria
please can you help me poot super sport 3 i reddin to pay nay ammuot pls
Pls give us ss3 back
I am tinkn to by a dstv mobile.bt to my suprise i hed ss3 is nt shown.shud i by it or nt
The choice is ultimately yours.
yes 1000 4s ok,if itz 25 channel,i will pay
I want to reduce channel inorder to pay an amount of R200